Every year, 13 million hectares of forest disappear and in the U.S, 6 % of CO2 emissions are due to construction material embodied energy production.
— Home (2009)
The world population is estimated to reach 9 billion by 2050 with 70% of all people living in cities. As countries develop, there will be an ever increasing demand for building materials, especially concrete. Although the LIFEHAUS doesn’t ban the use of concrete and steel material in its construction, it certainly does work on reducing their use. This of course depends on the site location, the availability of local materials, the speed of work and the budget. |
LIFEHAUS integrates 5 categories of material:
Clay, stone, limestone, hemp, perennial cane, and hay for instance, are most abundant across Middle Eastern areas and make for plentiful material scavenged depending on what is available on the construction site.
Used tires, aluminum cans, glass bottles that are largely inspired by Michael Reynold’s Earthship.
Mainly Portland cement, is adopted when perennial canes, bamboos or local certified wood are unavailable to hold the ceiling.
Steel bars for concrete.
Expensive mainly because of transport like wood.